Ordering Form

Ted Herman Orchestra CD

When you have filled out the form to your satisfaction, click print on the top of your browser and mail order form and payment to Ted Herman Orchestra, 73450 Country Club Drive #230, Palm Desert, CA 92260

Please enter the number of items you wish to purchase and price total as well as name, address, and phone number below:

Number of CD's or cassettes

Total Price





E-mail Address


Method of Payment:

Check Money Order Or Cash


Shipping Address:

Street City

State Zip

Select to clear the form

Order Information

And His Orchestra

Plays The Golden Years Of Big Bands

Order this fantastic CD now !

$15 For CD, $10 For Cassette Tape


To order by phone call or fax 760/347-6812. Order by mail. Include your name, address, city, state, zip and phone number. We are only accepting money orders cash or checks at this time. Price includes shipping and handling costs by 4th class mail. Priority Mail, FEDEX or Express Service are upon demand.

Make checks payable to Ted Herman and mail to:

Ted Herman Orchestra

73450 Country Club Drive #230,

Palm Desert, CA 92260



** NOTE: Returned checks are subject to an additional $25 fee.


[Upcoming Concert Dates Prerss Here] [About Ted Herman]

[The Boys In The Band] [Ted Herman Orchestra's CD] [Ordering Form For CD]

[Pictures Of The Ted Herman Orchestra] [Sound Clips Press Here] [Email Ted Herman]